Children's Choir musical "WHAT DO I DO NOW?"


children’s choir musical created by Lisa Hartley

arranged by Robert Elkins



This musical is written to emphasize the importance of believing in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and beginning a new life as a Christian. It discusses salvation, baptism, prayer, Bible reading, Scripture memory, and worship.



A student named Casey (boy or girl) is a new Christian and asks his/her friends, “What do I do now?” Casey’s friends teach him/her about being baptized and then getting to know God better. They teach Casey about baptism, prayer and worship, reading the Bible, and memorizing Scripture verses. Casey learns that God created him/her with a specific plan for his/her life. But when the children discuss Casey’s new promise of Heaven, one of the other children, Mitchell, realizes that he is not sure if he is headed there. The group (including Casey) leads Mitchell to salvation through Jesus Christ. Mitchell then asks the question that started it all, “What do I do now?”



This presentation contains songs of various styles and tempos with messages ranging from fun Bible stories to reverent worship. Percussion instruments and choreography can be used by the children in many of the songs to give them an opportunity to worship in ways other than through singing. Sign language is suggested as an additional form of worship as well. The script is written with a worshipful mindset. There are some lighthearted moments and some discussions of a more serious nature. All in all, this musical has a message that will touch the hearts of the children presenting it as well as their friends and family members in the audience. The intent is to encourage all of us to get to know God better, especially those who do not know God at all.